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In 2001, St. Vincent Township, Sydenham Township and the Town of Meaford, were amalgamated to form the Municipality of Meaford. Located on the Southern shore of Georgian Bay in Grey County, Meaford includes the communities of Annan, Bognar, Leith, Woodford and the Town of Meaford. Situated within the beautiful Georgian Triangle Region, Meaford is one of Canada’s finest four seasons resort areas.
One cannot help being awed by the natural beauty of this small To...


In 2001, St. Vincent Township, Sydenham Township and the Town of Meaford, were amalgamated to form the Municipality of Meaford. Located on the Southern shore of Georgian Bay in Grey County, Meaford includes the communities of Annan, Bognar, Leith, Woodford and the Town of Meaford. Situated within the beautiful Georgian Triangle Region, Meaford is one of Canada’s finest four seasons resort areas.
One cannot help being awed by the natural beauty of this small Town, located on Nottawasaga Bay. Situated within the Niagara Escarpment, Meaford is home to the Bognar Marsh, Bighead River.
Known as Apple Orchard Country, it is not surprising that the Meaford Museum, is a stop (#35) along the Award Winning Apple Pie Trail, a year-round culinary adventure through the Blue Mountains, guiding new and returning visitors through the Georgian Bay area year-round. In addition to the many orchards and beautiful Bed & Breakfasts (, Meaford is also home to a number of stunning parks and beaches, including Memorial Park and Beach, known best for its ‘sisters’. Local folklore tells that 2 large rocks off the shore of the beach mysteriously formed following the unfortunate drowning of two sisters who swam out too far. Raper’s Park is a popular sunset spot and offers breathtaking views of Cape Rich.
Meaford offers an abundance of other outdoor activities, including a skate park; golf course (; fishing; skating; rowing; boating (; snowmobiling and waterfront camping. One will also find two of Ontario’s best hiking and cycling trail systems.
Meaford Hall Arts & Cultural Centre ( is a constant buzz of activities. Not only an art gallery and opera house, Meaford Hall also hosts educational workshops, concerts, theatre and dance productions, lectures and films.
There are three public schools in Meaford; St. Vincent Euphrasia Elementary School; Meaford Community School and Georgian Bay Secondary School. It is also home to the Meaford Hospital.

Phone: 519-538-1060
Fax: 519-538-1556
Address: 21 Trowbridge Street West, Meaford, Ontario, N4L 1A1


Meaford Chamber of Commerce
Meaford BIA


Tai Chi & Meditation, Taoist Tai Chi, Collingwood (
55+ Friendship Club, Meaford Royal Canadian Legion (
Scenic Caves Nature Adventures, Summer& Winter Activities - zip lining, eco tours, tree-trekking, gemstone mining, mini-golf, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing (
Golden Town Cruisers Cruise Nights, Tuesday nights throughout the summer (
Films for Thought, free lecture series, Meaford Hall (
Meaford Farmer’s Market, Fridays; Summer-Autumn (
Tubbs Romp to Stomp Ontario fundraiser, Annual, Scenic Caves Nordic Centre (  
Meaford Salmon & Trout Derby; Annual, Fall (
Meaford International Film Festival; Annual (
Meaford & St. Vincent Agricultural Society Annual Fall Fair; Meaford Fairgrounds (
Scarecrow Invasion Parade & Scotiabank Family Festival; Annual, Fall (
Apple Harvest Craft Show; Annual, October; Meaford Arena & Curling Club (



Stats Canada

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There are many avenues for funding open to small businesses and entrepreneurs.
The Bruce Community Futures Development Corporation (Bruce CFDC) is a community based not for profit corporation, committed to small business and community economic development. Affiliated through Industry Canada’s - Community Futures Program, this independent corporation embraces initiatives and activities in support of economic diversification and community prosperity.
Incorporated in 1986 as a not for profit corporation in the Province of Ontario, a volunteer Board of Directors continues to govern the directions, priorities and policies of the Bruce CFDC. Board members are representative of a broad geographic area and bring a variety of skills including strong small business experience and expertise. Board meetings are held monthly, with a full review of operating matters as well as detailed consideration of eligible loan requests. All are dedicated to the health and prosperity of the area. A core staff of four manage the daily affairs of the corporation. Contract and/or part-time staff are hired as required to implement special projects.
Under agreement with the federal government, the mandate of the Bruce CFDC is to help develop and diversify the local economy through:

 a. community strategic planning
 b. business counselling
 c. investment in small business




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