Loan clients represent only one client group that access business counseling resources of the Bruce CFDC. Business Counselling activities also extend to those seeking information, referral and contacts related to a broad scope of business issues and initiatives. Bruce CFDC offers a full-service one-stop business resource function to the local business community, individuals exploring business opportunities as well as industry and business looking to locate or expand operations in the area.
Business Services
- Access to Small Business Information, Mentoring, Counselling and Advisory Services
- Assistance to Entrepreneurs
- Business Financing
- Business Improvement Workshops and Seminars
- Small Business Self-help Resource
- Youth Entrepreneur
Bruce CFDC retains direct and active links through a range of associations to stay current on business issues, support programs as well as key contacts in industry & government. Formal affiliations include:
Canada Business Ontario ( CBO )
Bruce CFDC is a decentralized CBO site, offering electronic and hard copy business resource materials on site at the Bruce CFDC offices. This affiliation also provides access to a help-desk that can research specialized information needs and technical resources, providing clients with accelerated response to hard to research inquiries.
This resource site hosts information related to a range of topics including:
- Franchising
- Partnership agreements
- Exporting
- Market research resources such as average household expenditure patterns/industry benchmarks, postal code based consumer reports, business planning etc.
- Technology & Innovation
- Projecting sales
- Government Programs & Services ..... etc.
Ontario Association of Community Futures Development Corporations ( OACFDC ) - Member
In support of the 61 CFDC’s in Ontario, this association offers the opportunity to share ideas, experiences and best practices in client service delivery as well as community & business development techniques. >