Community Economic Development (CED)
Community Economic Development is the practice of identifying local issues, developing strategies and implementing local solutions to enhance community economic health and prosperity. CED extends beyond business financing and business counseling. It encompasses working with a broad spectrum of the community to identify barriers to development and develop strategies to take advantage of opportunities. It also requires that an action plan be implemented to move forward on priorities. This process of strategic planning is a first step in effective CED.
Bruce CFDC has been actively involved with community economic strategic planning as well as the implementation of high priority action items in response to key issues identified through the planning process. The following are some of the plans and actions Bruce CFDC has been involved with:
- 1991-Bruce Peninsula economic strategic plan.
- 1991-South Bruce Lakeshore economic strategic plan.
- 1999-Bruce CDC completed the South Bruce Economic Diversification Plan. (copies available at the office)
- 2001-Bruce CDC with the Town of South Bruce Peninsula and Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula in the completion of a strategic plan for the two municipalities.
- 2004-Planning and development of an e-commerce tourism web portal referred to as Grey Bruce Your Way (
- 2005-Bruce CFDC has worked with proponents to find opportunities to restart the Bruce Packers meat processing facility.
- 2006-Bruce CFDC developed and explored a regional Twinning opportunity with Grey, Bruce counties, City of Owen Sound and the City of Xinyi, China.
- 2007-Bruce CFDC proudly presented its 4th annual PEAK awards gala event celebrating successful business clients located within our catchment area.
- 2008-Bruce CFDC is presently developing its Strategic Plan that will outline Loans, CED and other pertinent activities.
- 2009- Bruce CFDC participated with 6 other Ontario CFDC offices in completion of a comprehensive economic competitive analysis [Economic Competitive Analysis Project (ECAP)]. The Bruce and Grey region’s report provides communities and stakeholders with information regarding their competitiveness in key sectors and to enhance their capacity for investment attraction and business retention and expansion activities. We also continue to work with community partners through the Regional Tourism Marketing Partnership (RTMP), Grey Bruce Regional Economic Development Committee and the Local Training Board.
- 2010- Projects included: The Senior Needs Study, The Grey Bruce Regional Economic Development Partnership, The Midwestern Ontario Green Job Strategy and Spruce the Bruce.
- 2011- Projects included: The Bruce County & Owen Sound Senior Needs Study, The Grey Bruce Regional Economic Development Partnership and The Midwestern Ontario Green Job Strategy. Over the past year, Bruce CFDC has been a strong partner in downtown revitalization through continued administration of the Bruce County wide “Spruce the Bruce” program. This program has included Business Retention and Expansion programs, Community Branding efforts, Sustainability Plans and Municipal Cultural Mapping.